Open during the summer holidays Visit our showroom
  • The specialist for over 20 years
  • Made in the Netherlands
  • Often available from stock
Produced in the Netherlands

GH Östenreich

GH Östenreich - KJ Reitsport KG - Karl Neuherz 0043-6644333086

Meet Karl Neuherz

Karl Neuherz has been an official dealer of GeertenHenk for many years. As a result, the Austrian dealer already has a lot of experience and knowledge about our products. One of Karl Neuherz’s most famous clients is De Spanische hofreitschule. Here we have built different types of boxes for the lipizanner horses that are stabled here. A total of 300 horses are here for breeding, foal rearing and horses that can enjoy their old age. The Spanish Hofreitschule was once owned by Emperor Franz-Josef and Empress Sissi. Now a UNESCO heritage.

View Karl Neuherz’s projects and contact us if you have any questions.

Tel: 0043-(0)6644333086



Luxury horse stables with large hay rack

Standard horse stalls at Sebastian Eisler (AT)

Lipizzanergestüt Piber

  • The specialist for over 20 years
  • Made in the Netherlands
  • Often available from stock
  • The specialist for over 20 years
  • Made in the Netherlands
  • Often available from stock
  • The specialist for over 20 years
  • Made in the Netherlands
  • Often available from stock
  • The specialist for over 20 years
  • Made in the Netherlands
  • Often available from stock